Step 1: Create new repository

Step 2: Create repository name and some settings for repository (1, 2 is important)

Quick setup page will show

Note here there are two possibilities
One is your project already has a git link but needs to change to the new repo
Second, your project is completely new
In case your project has an old repo will see the folder.

Open Command Prompt and navigate to the folder then use the following command to check the current git link
git remote -v
Then use this command to change the path you want
git remote set-url origin
Then use Git Add. To add changes
git add .
Then use Commit commands to confirm the changes
git commit -m "your commit message"
Use the following command to move to Main fast
git branch -M main
Then push the project to the repo
git push -u origin main
In case your project is completely new, you will follow these
echo "# dpmmba" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main